It’s been quite a long time since I posted something which I wrote. It seems as if I have some sort of block which I can’t seem to get past! But I have decided the only way to get over this is to sidetrack this block and enjoy life on a different note. I read these comic strips this morning and it seemed to greatly cheer up my spirits. So I think its fun to follow this LoGiC for a change!

I may receive much criticism for the posting that follows. I strictly base this writing on what I consider is my understanding of the subject; what I have witnessed from my briefest of contact with real rural India and which I have debated with myself a million times. 33% reservation for women!!!!!!!! This has been taken up as the call of the hour the need of our times……I say why not….. QUESTION: Women have always wanted EQUALITY in our society; so why now this 33% reservation………. THE REALITY: EQUALITY has for long been the passion of women’s movement worldwide; just like other how everyone who is socially conscious longs for peaceful, just, equal world. But is this so in the real context. What we long for needs time for achievement. But progressive aspects like “EQUALITY” happen only when De Jure and De Facto fall on similar planes ………… In reality women lack equal footing in many cases, this 33% would be a boost towards achieving a push forward. Also women Panchayat leaders are looki...