People generally assume that life begins earlier in villages, and not in their urban counterparts. Sadly mistaken are these assumptions as the downtrodden face strains wherever they decide to eke out a living.....
As early as 3.00 am She awakens and wakes up her adolescent daughter to join the other women dwellers in the make-shift pavement colony to use the public toilet at the end of the road. She however realizes this is to be a luxury as many other women, unable to afford the amount Rs.2/day have to wake up earlier to finish their nature's call under the night of the morning sky, in the open. Having slept just 2-3 hours earlier does not make any exception to the situation. Finishing the business She and the other women troop back and resourcefully manage a meal for the day. Setting aside a little for morning they along with the men folk start out to their construction-work job sites located at the other end of the city!