The whiny little kid and his stuffed animal are according to me the only effective remedy to depression, sadness or any thing on the negative side……..
No matter what sad mood I am in they always crack me up. Not just that they put forth so many ways of looking at things... I mean the kid is awesome in his point of views….. (No denying the superior creativity of the creator Bill Watterson. I can’t thank you enough for creating these characters.)
Hmmm getting back on track, I just adore the way Calvin puts forth words of which I have no clue of (I use my dictionary more diligently while reading them) and the way he justifies his selfish intentions with exceedingly noble value system….
There are also points where I feel absolute astonishment at the fact that he is kid who everybody hates to love, who drives everyone crazy, make people so mad that they want to tear him apart but end up as someone who you cannot help but adore.
There is not anything more to say about the comics……because whatever I say will fall short to its uniqueness ….
No matter what sad mood I am in they always crack me up. Not just that they put forth so many ways of looking at things... I mean the kid is awesome in his point of views….. (No denying the superior creativity of the creator Bill Watterson. I can’t thank you enough for creating these characters.)
Hmmm getting back on track, I just adore the way Calvin puts forth words of which I have no clue of (I use my dictionary more diligently while reading them) and the way he justifies his selfish intentions with exceedingly noble value system….
There are also points where I feel absolute astonishment at the fact that he is kid who everybody hates to love, who drives everyone crazy, make people so mad that they want to tear him apart but end up as someone who you cannot help but adore.
There is not anything more to say about the comics……because whatever I say will fall short to its uniqueness ….
