The formless one Takes up a form, As Shiva or Sakthi, Vishnu or Lakshmi, A lifetime insufficient To behold the finesses of Krishna, Or seek out the kindness of Kali To realize this one god- As we are ignorant to realize- Isn’t god a truth with many faces: So why don’t we try to see- The divine light of the Prophet: Or try to experience – The endless mercy of Christ: And try to know the calmness of mind - From the monks of Buddha: Why do we turn a blind eye to our Masters? Who are “devotion” in human form, They explain to us - That sufi verses or carols or bhajans: All ask to bow down, Lay down v ulnerable so that – We are bestowed a truth.
Questions are numerous, that seek answers; Uncertainties endless and clarifications countless; Anxieties forcing replies; on statements about LIFE, Preached but seldom followed… "Chimerical echoes" is a reflection of my thoughts....Its my space to debate and decide.........