“Most of the things which are left unsaid in the world are probably the chances which destiny gives to us to alter the outcome of our lives. But sadly these chances remain as only “what-if” in many peoples life and the few who do choose it.” Life started out normal for Ina orphaned at ten, nowhere to go, Nobody to care destined to end up as a nameless nobody in the streets. But destiny smiled at her as her step mom took her in. Barely 10 unable to understand the complexity of the situation but pleased with the change in plans Ina realized only in the years to come her step mom’s real interests for her. Present Day (Morning) “Ina, it’s getting late,” yelled Lia. Possibly only Ina can be this slow with things, why does mom put up with her anyway …such thoughts continued to trail in her mind as her step-sister walked in with the ironed clothes. “Ina, why do you keep being so slow, for god sake you have been ironing clothes since you were twelve. Why you make me yell at you every morning....
Questions are numerous, that seek answers; Uncertainties endless and clarifications countless; Anxieties forcing replies; on statements about LIFE, Preached but seldom followed… "Chimerical echoes" is a reflection of my thoughts....Its my space to debate and decide.........